For Educators
Request Process
You've submitted a request... what happens now?
WV SPOT Scheduler and Coordinator are notified of new requests via email. WV SPOT Ambassadors are notified via email about your requests.
Available Ambassador(s) notify Coordinator by emailing indicating their availability to present. Coordinator will introduce them to the individual requesting the presentation (Requester) via email.
Ambassador continues communication with the Requester to confirm details of the request such as presentation, hands-on activities, number of students, age range of students, etc. and to determine a date and time for the visit.
Once the visit details are confirmed by both the Requester and Ambassador, Ambassador emails Coordinator to inform of the confirmed date and time of the presentation.
Coordinator sends out final confirmation email to both Requester and Ambassador with relevant documents attached.
Ambassador presents on confirmed date and time.
Teacher completes the Evaluation Form (button below).
Once Connected with an Ambassador
Confirm the presentation and number of rotations
Let your Ambassador know when your group/class arrives and how long you have them. Presentations are on average 45 minutes with questions and activity times vary. Keep in mind Ambassadors will need to set up and clean up before and and after presentations. If we need to adjust the time frame at all, let me know and we can work within your class period.
Provide any special instructions specific to parking and building access in advance. Some common questions that come up are:
Is there a specific entrance I should use?
What time will the first presentation start? Are the two presentations going to be back to back?
Will you meet me or will I find the classroom on my own? If on my own, please provide instructions.
Do I need to check in with a receptionist or at a front office for a visitor’s pass? If so, could you provide the number or an email for the front office?
Confirm your ability to provide equipment such as a projector, speakers, and a computer with a USB port. If you don't have these, your team will bring them if they know to do so.
Anything else that you’d like to share prior to the presentation such as what students have been learning lately relevant to the presentation, special interests in the group, or information about particular student accommodations your Ambassador(s) should be aware of to ensure a great visit!
As a reminder, it is our policy that you are present for the entire duration of the class. If you have to leave for any reason during our visit, another teacher or employee must stand in for you. If you have any concerns, please let me know as soon as possible.
Our commitment to maintaining student safety remains a top priority. Send information about your organization’s COVID-19 safety policies so your Ambassador may comply with them. Also note that our Ambassadors will follow their own organization’s policies while presenting in-person. If you’d like that information let them know and they can supply it.
The quality of your experience is important to us. Please notify us right away if there are any changes to any details pertinent to your visit. Your notification will allow us to provide the best possible experience for your group.
Travel Stipend Information
If you indicated your organization's ability to provide a $50 travel stipend in the request form, you'll receive an email from the Coordinator, once an Ambassador is matched with you request, that will including an invoice with further instructions. If you have any questions or need additional information about the stipend email or call the Coordinator at or (304) 456-2368.
This stipend is fully-refundable should the event not take place and can be credited should a planned event be rescheduled.
Payment can be made over the phone by calling (304) 456-2227 or by mailing a check to:
Green Bank Observatory
PO Box 2
c/o SPOT
Green Bank, WV 24944
Checks should be made payable to Green Bank Observatory and include the organization name and date of presentation(s) in the memo line.
Q: Are only schools allowed to request presentations?
A: No. We receive requests from museums, churches, non-profit youth groups, and the like! If you're uncertain about whether a SPOT presentation is right for you contact:
Q: Does a WV SPOT visit cost anything?
A: Yes and no. We encourage payment of a $50 travel stipend per visit but it is not obligatory for schools, clubs, organizations, or programs to provide this if they don't have the means.
An invoice will be provided via email for those who indicate the ability to provide the travel stipend. This is sent once an Ambassador has indicated their availability to claim your request. Checks are made payable to AUI/GBO as the Green Bank Observatory pays for the Ambassador's travel and your check will reimburse that cost.
Some schools or organizations are able to provide a check to the Ambassador directly. If this applies to you, write the check out to the Ambassador and give it to them the day of the visit. If there is more than one Ambassador presenting, only provide the stipend to the Ambassador who drove.
If neither of these are options for you or your school/ organization, we can discuss alternative options.
Any questions about payment should be sent to
Q: Do Ambassadors undergo background checks?
A: No. By submitting a presentation request you are agreeing to be present, or to coordinate a school official to be present, for all aspects of the Ambassador's visit, including presentations and hands-on activities. You agree to hold harmless WV SPOT and all of its affiliates, sponsors, and members.