For Ambassadors
Upcoming Events for Current Ambassadors
Not an Ambassador but looking for more information about becoming one?
Fall Training 2024 - Green Bank Observatory
September 13-15
Training will be hosted by Green Bank Observatory.
Who Can Attend?
Current ambassadors- re-apply using Ambassador Application
Accepted applicants - must apply using Ambassador Application
Room and board is provided and a $50 travel stipend will be provided to those approved to attend (see above). Certified ambassadors who assist with various agenda items will be paid honorarium.
Spring Summit 2025 - Shepherd University
April 4-6
Who Can Attend?
Certified Ambassadors
Ambassadors who have shadowed a certified Ambassador on at least 2 visits
Ambassadors who assist with the outreach event (presenting shows, facilitating activities, moderating chats) will be paid honorarium.

Once accepted, download this form and complete the highlighted fields before returning to or mailing to:
Green Bank Observatory
c/o SPOT
PO Box 2
Green Bank, WV 24944

Presentation Information
Request Process
WV SPOT Scheduler and Coordinator are notified of new requests via email. WV SPOT Ambassadors are notified via email and by checking the Request Document via tinyurl.
Available Ambassador(s) notify Coordinator by emailing that they can present. If Ambassador is first to claim, Coordinator will inform them of such and introduce them to the individual requesting the presentation via email.
Ambassador then continues communication, cc'ing Coordinator to all emails, with the person requesting the visit to confirm details of the request such as presentation, hands-on activities, number of students, age range of students, etc. and to determine a date and time for the visit. For example emails and templates click here!
Once the visit details are confirmed by both the requester and Ambassador, Ambassador emails Coordinator to inform of the confirmed date and time of the presentation.
Coordinator updates the Request Document and sends out final confirmation email to both requester and Ambassador with relevant documents attached.
Ambassador presents on confirmed date and time.
Ambassador completes Reporting Form.
Before You Visit
Re-confirm presentation day and time with the teacher two to three days before the presentation.
Talk to your Campus Representative or the SPOT Coordinator if you need assistance.
Map out directions and print them if needed (ie if you're giving a presentation where there is no cell phone service). Plan to arrive at the school half an hour before the first scheduled presentation time to allow yourself time to find the classroom or assembly space and set up.
*Also account for time getting lost or finding parking!
Secure equipment if you need it (Projector? Speakers? Computer? Flash drive? Kit supplies?). Buy more hands-on supplies if you need them and save the receipts to receive reimbursement or ask your Campus Representative to purchase what you need.
Sign out/ obtain all the supplies you will need from the SPOT kit. This kit should be with your Campus Representative.
Lay out WV SPOT t-shirt and nice pants.
Print any additional materials you may need like PSC flyers or SPOT recruitment posters (for high school seniors)!
During Your Visit
Set up speakers, projector, and computer. Try to play all videos before presenting. Troubleshoot if necessary.
Coordinate with the teacher to obtain information for your report. Print out this document to easily obtain that information.
Remind teacher to complete Evaluation Form during the presentation or afterward.
Gather all supplies for your return (including cords!)
After Your Visit
Post photos* to the WV SPOT Facebook page!
* Back of children's heads only.
Report the Visit - check out this "How to" video: